Title: Asylum - Chapter 8 Author: kumohime102 Rating:N17 Pairing: Shige/OC, Tegomasu, Yamapi/Maki Genre: Horror/Romance Summary: When a group of mentally unstable people are the sanest people in a room, there is something wrong....
Title:Asylum - chapter 6 Author:kumohime102 Rating:N17 Pairing:Shige/OC; Tegomasu Genre: Horror Summary:When a group of mentally unstable people are the sanest people in a room, there is something wrong....
Title Truth or Dare Pairing Various (mostly hinted) Rating: PG-13 Genre: Comedy (slight) crack Summary: NEWS and KAT-TUN get together one night to play truth or dare. Note: Co-written with Fierysunrise
Title Asylum - Chapter 2 Author:kumohime102 Beta wickedlaw Rating pg13 Pairing:Shige/OC, Tegomasu Genre Horror/Romance Summary Shige wakes up in an insane asylum and the crazy people are not the worse things in it...
Title: Asylum Author kumohime102 Beta wickedlaw Rating PG13 Pairing Shige/OC, Tegomasu, Yamapi/Horikita Maki. Genre: Horror Summary Shige wakes up in an insane asylum, and the crazy people are not the worst things in it.
Title: And a Rose by Any Other Name Author: Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Ryo/Massu Genre: AU, Action/Adventure, Humour, Romance Summary: Written for je_otherworlds for rockthecliche, this fic borrows slightly from the anime Weiss Kreuz. Ryo and Massu are hitmen. Massu is badass.